
In the wake amid the agate sea
Burst flecks then forms of foam
And as they rise among the waves
The whirling white is whipped
And sprays and sheets of lace
Take flight and stream the winds.

Look then at the mighty sea
That moves by dawn and moon
Its deep is bold and cold and green
Yet seething frays its very edge -
Watch then the twisting curlicues
And see them part to shreds and fade.

We are out of kilter, poised then lost
Bound as the wheel revolves
Open to the heavens yet first blinded
To the ocean’s meaning and its play:
Is it not time to awaken to the waves
And the rolling breakers that enchant us?

Below the water, tide on tide still ebbs
As veils of sheen are stripped away
And we must give ourselves to ecstasy 
To sense what moves the greater depths
And also shifts the glistened surfaces
That wind and light now dance upon.

Bitter Tales Can Stab Weak Hearts
Yet People Refuse To Take A Stance
Wondering Souls Seldom Turn Solid
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Envious Ways Can Ruin Subtle Peace
Yet People Search For Silver Platters
Lost Souls Seldom Find Directions
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Patience Is The Key To Solid Survival
Patience Is The Way Of Viewing Stars
Patience Is The Means Of Happiness
Patience Is The Anchor Of Firm Hope

Forgetful Minds Can Forget Purpose
Yet People Choose To Chase After Air
Tired Being Seldom Climb The Steps
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Loud Voice Can Lose Their Strength
Yet People Choose To Use The Words
Wise People Seldom Make A Sound
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Patience Mends The Anxious Hearts
Patience Mends The Bitter Dreams
Patience Mends The Terrified Minds
Patience Mends The Weak Wounds

Bitter Tales Can Stab Weak Hearts
Yet People Refuse To Take A Stance
Wondering Souls Seldom Turn Solid
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Envious Ways Can Ruin Subtle Peace
Yet People Search For Silver Platters
Lost Souls Seldom Find Directions
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Patience Is The Key To Solid Survival
Patience Is The Way Of Viewing Stars
Patience Is The Means Of Happiness
Patience Is The Anchor Of Firm Hope

Forgetful Minds Can Forget Purpose
Yet People Choose To Chase After Air
Tired Being Seldom Climb The Steps
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Loud Voice Can Lose Their Strength
Yet People Choose To Use The Words
Wise People Seldom Make A Sound
Many Abstrain From Showing Patience

Patience Mends The Anxious Hearts
Patience Mends The Bitter Dreams
Patience Mends The Terrified Minds
Patience Mends The Weak Wounds

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