Crime new story

It was a holiday. We had three friends sitting beside the rainy bank below the mountain loose. We came here to celebrate picnic. There was rain on the mountains for two days and there was a trench in the drainage, but we still drank and began to drain. Things were flowing by the mountains in the water of Sharabhwa. Sometimes some wooden wooden mango has ever shaped. So many of us saw a lot of leaves and branches. We took him and caught him and came back. It was surprised that these branches were not too thick, but there was a small piece of wood, whose branches were wrapped in the way that the eyes seemed dark. When we remove the branches, we get a box from the trunk. What's going on in the box? Now we were thinking that at least half of the close shrubs of nearby bushes came out and came.
Beware! Do not open it. One of them said in a rude voice.
We got ridiculous. A man snatched a gun forward.
Come on. One of them said, who seemed to be the calender.
But boss! This boy ... Boxing Wallpapers
Let's go. Said boss
But boss! Children have seen the box. He pointed out to the box and said.
Then ... The boss said.
Close them in the cave. The third pointed out the front of the mountain hill and said.
They blocked us in a mountainous cave and put a heavy stone ahead of it: Now sit silent for half an hour, if you get a sound, you will shoot. The leader threatened us and took the box away.
The cave from the stone was a tremendous tornado, but it was so tremendous that we could always breathe. We kept sitting there for half an hour, then dared to stone the stone, but the stone did not turn away from its place. Then we started shouting. Our voices reached a passing farm.
Some people gathered together and released us. Due to the calamity asked for the cave, we could only say that we were playing that the stone fighter attacked the mouth of the Kargar.
Because our picnic was immense, so we went down to the next Sunday, but this time, we sat down slowly. We were busy playing the game that Ahmed suddenly said: Look at that.
We looked at the drain. The branches were flowing again.
Let's go hide Husham said. We hid under the hills of the mountain. From here we had seen all the scenes far away. The same three men left behind the bushes. Jumping in a water and the bushes of the bushes came round. They all went on one side. Some remote jeep was standing. The people in which they left.
The matter goes wrong. Ahmed saw seeing the car.
They are criminals and are involved in any major imports. Husham said.
Let's go to the police station and tell. I said.
We were on the police checkpoint. There was a small hillopice checkpoint near the ditch. The Police Inspector heard us very carefully, then consulted with his colleagues. And we understood it again and again.
The streets of the street were weated again under the slope. Apparently we were busy in the game. But in fact, we were somebody else, and then we heard a loud voice:
You come back. When we saw the flaws, the culprits surrounded us with the idea of ​​eating. Now you could not be saved, he said pitching pistols.
Beware! Hands up At that time a sound came. We turned back and three police guns were being set up. A criminal was injured when a criminal tried to shoot them and crushed the criminal offset. A policeman was injured in the accident. He started crying his injured hand.
Both of these criminals were caught by a bunch of bushes in the woods. But the police inspector stopped and said: Beware! You are on the hills of our companions.
Everyone looked and looked at the hill position above the hill. The steps of the criminals stopped there. In a short time, soldiers took a knife and the criminals were arrested.
Later it was discovered that the group of smugglers engaged in trafficking in such a way. Border trafficking criminals, along with gangsters, wrapped in the branches of the locker box, who were found guilty of receiving the offender here. Due to the police checkpoint on the hill and the border crossing, they imported the safe way but were finally caught.

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