new story shoes

In the intensive care ward of a hospital in Kharian Cantt thy.uh come to visit a relative of the woman  was not allowed to stay longer than patients treated thyn.yhan.

The wide lawn in beautiful villa bungalows military officers to the rank of Major, living room and sat on their chairs under the shade of trees in lawns lush lan.grmy days after the rest gyy.kch in this beautiful area seeing green belt across the small street in front of nkla.ghr out for kafaarah thy.phr a green belt thy.phr jogging track in a small row of thick trees beyond the brook Kidron a small train was derailed thy.ayk who take many swings for children thy.park encompasses a wide park space with .jugng track Beautiful cages parrots, pigeons, kugus, and was also burnt chickens thyn.uh little train which was standing like a lost track around the park. This train may be used to make kids walk in the park.
It was a fascinating afternoon and the rule of silence by none other than me in the park tha.kbhy never cross a bird's voice broke the silence of the night and then rushing over the bridge jata.myn Valley Green Belt sitting on the edge of the chair a blind eye laid her head on the chair in the tech gya.thndy be drunk with wind gusts and I was drowsy.
I opened my eyes to the train engine chug thy.tryn children to watch out tracks on the rule of silence before moving thy.jhan was much like the festival, the children crowded around swings was.
I saw a young player in the middle of the field. They looked pretty valuable jugr wearing sports shirts and shorts tha.pawn living. They hold hands tha.ayk moment for football in my heart that I wanted to talk to this young but stalled in the care of an old shoe and clothing was the victim of inferiority looking gya.apny dilapidated condition and a step could not forward. This is football to you? Ve simply asked to talk to him but he did not answer me rha.kuyy sees flat face and eyes impression.

I repeated my question again, he thought a moment, then quietly said, I see sincere "yes" in addition to the non-balanced mind. He's got feet dyrsy sense.
"Not seeing your team-mate?" I then stopped by pucha.kch He pointed to the ground and said, "There they are," but no player tha.phr not like he suddenly saw children Ground qlqary hit the ground and ran away with a few steps mgrabhy was stuck between her feet, and she moved her little hands gya.myn pra.ft hair falling on his face gave him hair and feet he went to the cross oblique moves ground.
In a moment I saw him, my view is the old gym shoes on their feet at the foot gyy.myry your clothing, but thanks Alhamdulillah, my feet were straight.

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