The end of greed new story

One time it is mentioned that a poor lumber saw a tree in the woods while cutting the woods in the woods. Something was seen in the woods of the tree.
Seeing it near, he was a statue of stone. The litter removed the stone, so there came a little bitterness. The ladders removed soil from around the hole, but it came to a huge treasure. Larkhara could not take away such a huge treasure, so he covered it and turned back to his house. The person who had been selling his property since now was six camels with him. The litter told the trader: "I got huge treasures in the forest." And I will only take you to this place at one place. "He told a very unfortunate:" Tell me, I am ready to give you every condition. "The villagers said, the camels filled with that treasury, I'll give you half of it, "the trader said with a shock; I'll give you half camels, you'll take me there."
Lucknow became lucky and took it to the forest. The lucrative showed the trader in the place of treasure and treasures on all camels. From this place a small dub also got a valuable lane that kept the lumber kept in their pocket. The trader handed over the three camel lane of the treasury. Going away, the businessman thought that half a half of his share was given to Lakhar. If he gave less camels, then he would go to it. Dear Lucknow, Of course I have given you half camels, but there are two camels for you too .If you give me one camel more then your kind "The lid said," Sir, you can take a camel from me, so two are enough for me. "Thank you for visiting camels, but greed did not allow her to go to China The businessman said again to the lord, "Baba!
The business answered him; I give you some money, it will be enough for you. "
Lucknow gave them two camels to the merchant. The extremist greed was still not erased in Sagar. He thought why not from lambs He also took back the money and got the rest of the treasury in the forest. He thought he had given six camels of treasury to his servant and went to the forest in search of treasures. He did not even finance him after looking for a long time. After being beaten down, he sat down under a tree that tears a lion. Sodar tried to run, but the lion took the same jump and dragged the trader and touched it. Pieces krdy.sudagr,s desire has gone down, which brought him his life and his possessions were left in the world.  

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