New story innocent

I was hiding in the woods on the fifth day today. For five days I had wild fruit and tree leaves. Well, my pocket had a cord of notes, but in the jungle wings, rubbish paper casinos were like a pile for me. I had made a hollow hollow of a big tree hidden in mysteries. The shade and the leaves were tightened on a hard ground, where I was covered. When you feel hungry, you will get out, and your skull will run in your shelter.
Five days ago, the horrible incident that occurred during my death emerged in front of my eyes, when a man was killed by my hands.
She was a bright morning when someone came to know me and asked me to walk with him. He told that a lover tries him and asks for this money. Let me know that a good height was a bite and used to make it. There was also Maradabamba in the area, so he wanted to go with him and threatened this wound. Let me get a chance to blow my gun, so I walked with it.
He also gave me a pistol and said: It's just to scare it. We reached there right now. The person sat in an underground bedroom. If I talked to him, he showed a little hardcore. So I took the pistol to scare it. We got elephants. Meanwhile, a shot was shot. The person with a blood grated kidney grinder, who had come to me, said: This cyclone I told you to scold, you killed him.
She took pistols from me and said: "Get caught quickly from here and hang on."
I ran away from there, tapping me a cord of notes, as well as pistols: throw it away in a deserted place.
I went out there and was very scared. I wonder where to go. Police will catch police if they go home. There will also be a search from the relatives. Then I tried to hide in the forest. I threw the pistol into the bushes. After searching a little in the forest, I found this lump in the trees and bushes, and I hid it here. If you are hungry, then you can feed wild fruit. Near the river was there, he took thirsty there.
Take five days I did not see the human form in these ten days. Running isolation. The feeling of crime separately lives. Every time you go to catch catching up. Consequently, I did not face any major obstacle. It was also a matter of concern. I sat in my shelter that I saw a black thing coming out. It was a big black bear, who ran my Boonsunga Edir. I hit some stone bear's little curtains to protect myself. The pain that took place on a little bit and my fierce scream ran away.
The bear ran away, but I was scared that the bear has got to know my presence. He must take revenge for his injury. So I decided to find another place. I got out of the loop and started looking for another place. It was just a little while to hear some of the skirts. Some people were coming. I felt as if they are looking for me. I ran and hid in my shelter. Then the rectangles and voices appear to be clear. The sound of a dog came to light. They were searching for my dog ​​by using a sewing dog. Then someone said: It's here. There are signs of his steps here. The dog dog started to fall into the air.
You're in a police station, come out. A voice came.
It was hard to hide now. I did not sleep and it was surrounded. I came out of the boat.
Come on. A police wearing uniform said softly. Apart from the dog they were four. They surrounded me by surrounded me.
I was not able to kill her. The tablet went on accidentally. I told myself.
The police inspector looked at me and said: Do some fun, the actual offender has been arrested and he has committed a crime.
But pistol was in my hand. I wondered.
A pistol also had a criminal. When he was recovered from the slaughter, he shot him from behind. His execution was hostility. He conspired and mixed with you, so that he might give you his guilt.
But how did you reach it? I said.
Mobile connection with executable mobile data was executed. The perpetrator had said that he was selling batches, but his spear pistol threw the cabinet, as he forgot to erase the marks of the hands of the fingers with the pistols. When we hardened, he bugged the beach.
Thank you goddess. I took a long breath.
What could you do with this trial? Inspector asked.
It should not be proud of your power, should be humble and ...... And think and understand someone else. Inspector completed the matter.

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